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Aimee Sun - hot Taiwanese designer

Aimee Sun - hot Taiwanese designer

Aimee Sun was born on May 14, 1978. She has blood type: AB; height: 1.63m; and weight: 43kg;

Even now she has 34 years old, but her beauty is still beautiful the same as before.

You can see in the photo’s gallery as below, look young, cute and pretty as 18 lady.

Aimee is awesome we do love her!

Aimee Sun has nationality: Taiwanese and has name in Chinese 孫芸芸 (Sun-Yun-Yun).

Her current occupation is: Breeze Center Fashion Director/Star By Yun designer.Aimee Sun - hot Taiwanese designer

Aimee Sun - hot Taiwanese designer
Aimee Sun - hot Taiwanese designer